Career Guidance
Career Guidance Team
1. Objectives :
- To facilitate students’ understanding of their interests, abilities as well as career aspirations and formulation of individualized plan in relation to further education and career exploration
- To assist students in making informed choices for further study and career aspirations through school-wide career guidance programs/activities
- To enable students to obtain up-to-date knowledge about the world of work
- To help student develop work ethics through career-related experiences
2. Career Guidance Team (24-25)
Team leader: Ms. Sze Wai Yeung
Vice Team leader: Mr. Fong Lap Yan Edwin
Team members:
Ms. Chan I Man, Ms. Hoi Hong Hong, Ms. Kwan Wing Chi, Ms. Sze Hei Lam, Ms. Ong Ching Wai Rebecca
1. 本組目標
- 協助學生了解自己的興趣、能力、需要和志向,從而為自己將來的升學、接受職業訓練或就業作長遠的計劃
- 為學生提供最新及適切的資料,使他們認識不同的升學及就業途徑
- 加強學生對各行各業和工作世界現況的認識和了解
- 協助學生培養正確的工作態度及職業道德觀
2. 本組成員 (24-25年度)
組長 ﹕施惠揚老師