S1 Admission (SSPA)

↑ 請透過以上連結申請小六升中資訊日報名


Application for S1 Discretionary Places (2025-2026)


A. Application Methods
1. Application Period: From 2nd January 2025 to 16th January 2025

2. Submission time: Mondays-Fridays (09:00-17:00), Saturdays (09:00-12:30)

3.  Application forms and supporting documents:

3.1 Applicants must fill out and submit the application form either (A) in person (B) through the SSPA e-Platform of the Education Bureau. The details are as follows:

  1. Hard copies of application forms: Starting from 8/11, please take the paper forms at the school office or click here to download
  2. The SSPA e-Platform: For details, please refer to the website of the Education Bureau

3.2 To submit the supporting documents, use one of the following methods:


(A) Hard copies of application forms: Bring the following documents (a-h) to the school office in person within the application period for completing the application procedures


(B) The SSPA e-Platform: Upload the documents (b-f,h) within the application period

  1. The Application Form for S1 Discretionary Place issued by the Education Bureau (in blue, green, and red colours)
  2. The S1 Application Form issued by Wesley College (Hard copy for paper-form applicants; For online applicants, you will be asked to check and confirm the information on the e-forms)
  3. Student identification document(s) (both the original copy and a photocopy)
  4. Photocopies of school reports for P.5 (whole year)
  5. Photocopies of school reports for P.6 (First term) (if applicable)
  6. Photocopies of relevant certificates and/or awards of academic and/or non-academic achievements (only 10 items obtained from primary 4 to primary 6 will be accepted)
  7. Please attach two returning envelope (size: 4’’x 9’’) with a $2.2 postage stamp, the name of the applicant, and the correspondence address (Please ensure the correspondence address is correct to prevent the post from being lost or delayed.)
  8. A student photo (For paper-form applicants, please stick the photo on the application form; For online applicants, please bring along the photo for submission)

    Recommendation letters from primary schools are not required.
     # Applications with missing supporting documents will not be considered. 

B. Admission Criteria & Weighting

Academic results






Extra-curricular activities/ community services


Understanding of our mission and vision



C. Interview

  1. Applicants will be granted an interview based on the admission criteria, including the student’s academic results, conduct, and performance in extra-curricular activities/ community services (the above four criteria are equally weighted).
  2. The interview will be held on 8 February and 15 March 2025 (Sat). Any amendments to the date of the interview will be posted on the school webpage.
  3. If selected for an interview, the applicant will be notified by the school one week in advance through written notice and email.
  4. The interview will be conducted in both Cantonese and English. No written test will be arranged.

D. Remarks

  1. The number of discretionary places in 2025-2026 is 40.
  2. According to the Education Bureau, each student may apply to not more than two secondary schools listed in this Handbook, otherwise his/her chance of acquiring a discretionary place (DP) will be forfeited.
  3. Parents of successful applications will receive notification from the school by post and phone calls on 31 March 2025.
  4. The results of the Central Allocation will be announced by the Education Bureau on 8 July 2025

E. Personal Information Collection Statement

The information collected about the applicant will be submitted to the Education Bureau and used for the application procedures only. All personal data of students and their guardians will be kept confidential. All records will be deleted after the procedure is completed.


For more information, please visit our S1 Admission webpage:






A. 申請辦法

1. 申請日期:2025年1月2日至2025年1月16日

2. 交表時間:星期一至五(09:00-17:00)星期六(09:00-12:30)

3. 申請表格及所需文件:


3.1   申請者必須填寫及遞交申請表,方式可選擇(A)紙本(B)教育局中一派位電子平台。詳情如下:

(A) 紙本申請:於11月8日起,到本校詢問處索取申請表或按此下載

(B) 教育局中一派位電子平台:詳情請參閱教育局網頁

3.2  申請者需於申請時段內提交以下(a-h項)文件﹕

  1. 紙本申請﹕於申請日期內親身帶同下列(a-h項)文件至校務處辦理申請手續
  2. 教育局中一派位平台申請:於申請日期內上載(b-h項)文件
  1. 教育局發出之中一自行分配學位申請表(藍綠紅申請表)
  2. 本校入學申請表
  3. 學生身份證明文件(正本及副本)
  4. 學生小五全年成績表副本
  5. 學生小六上學期成績表副本(如有)
  6. 學生獲得之學業及非學業獎項或嘉許證明副本
  7. 貼上兩元兩角郵票的回郵長信封兩個(信封尺寸4”x 9”,必須寫上申請學生姓名及地址。請書寫清楚正確的通訊地址,以免郵遞延誤)
  8. 學生相片一張





B. 收生準則及比重












C. 面試安排

  1. 本校將根據學業成績、學生操行、課外活動表現和服務精神(以上四項準則佔重均等)以甄選部份申請者參與一次性面試。
  2. 面試將於2025年2月8日(六)及2025年3月15日(六)舉行。(面試日期或形式如因特殊情況而需改動,本校將於學校網頁內公佈最新安排。
  3. 申請者如獲甄選參與面試,本校將於面試一星期前以書面及電郵通知。
  4. 不設筆試,個人面試以粤語及英語進行。


D. 注意事項

  1. 本校今年中一自行分配學位共40個名額。
  2. 每名小六學生在同一年度只可向不多於兩所津貼中學申請中一自行分配學位。否則,其獲得自行分配學位的資格將被取消。
  3. 本校將透過書面及電話於2025年3月31日,通知所有正取學生的家長。
  4. 教育局統一派位結果於2025年7月8日公佈。

E. 收集個人資料聲明


