School Profile
Sponsoring Body: | The Methodist Church, Hong Kong |
Year of Establishment: |
1977 |
School Type: | Aided, co-educational day school |
Address: | 33 Siu Sai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong |
Telephone: | 2896 7705 |
Fax: | 2505 7601 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Principal: | Mr. Nam Ching Sze |
Supervisor: | Mr. Tsang Siu Kei |
Medium of Instruction: | Mainly English for S1 students since 2010 |
Total no. of teachers: | 55 |
Total no. of students: | 724 |
辦學機構: | 循道衞理聯合教會 |
創校年份: | 1977年 |
學校類別: | 政府津貼全日制男女中學 |
學校地址: | 香港柴灣小西灣道33號 |
學校電話: | 2896 7705 |
學校傳真: | 2505 7601 |
學校電郵: | [email protected] |
本校校長: | 藍正思先生 |
本校校監: | 曾兆基先生 |
教學語言: | 由2010年開始大部份中一學生主要以英語學習 |
教師人數: | 55位 |
學生人數: | 724人 |